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Create more happiness in your workplace and that of your colleagues with HappyMe!

HappyMe is the world’s most employee-friendly career and talent management tool. We’ve built a proven programme that grows and evolves with every new client relationship.

It can help you, for example, find out which employees are on the verge of leaving, how to make people feel more valued and what will help strengthen teamwork in your organization.

Mida meie kliendid arvavad?

How can we support you?

We’re here to help you create a culture of leadership that engages the whole organization in managing change, identifying good practices and designing processes.

We’ll put together a design team to partner with the human resources department and help resolve issues identified in the HappyMe survey within three months, so that employees feel that not only are they being asked for information, but that something will actually change as a result.

We help create a coherent and easy-to-manage overview of people’s career aspirations, training preferences, development plans and encourage people to be their own workplace happiness designer.


Contact us and make human resources management fun!

We’ll give you a free demonstration of the HappyMe programme and together we’ll find out how our team can support your team.

Significantly boost your workplace happiness and productivity

  • Schedule a free consultation (no strings attached!) and take the first step towards results. You’ll soon be in touch with our expert happiness engineer, who will help you design the best plan for your business.


Feel free to ask for a demonstration, give feedback or request a personalized offer.

Fill in the enquiry form below and tell us about your concerns or joys regarding workplace happiness in your orginazation. Let us know what you would like us to help you with and we will get back to you shortly.

    I agree to the use of my e-mail when sending an answer to a question and, if necessary, for repeated correspondence on the given topic.*

    A happy workplace is like a mini-vacation – except you don’t have to leave the office.