HappyMe Complete licence with a 360˚forward communication module
online survey platform
employee personal development plan
Estonian, English, German, and Russian
HappyMe replaces development conversations with a new form
that is engaging for people and brings out their best qualities.
A research-based algorithm can identify
key employees who plan to leave. The results are easily linked to strategy and metrics.
Managers receive reports on employee satisfaction and dedication. Employees can manage their own agreements and development plans.

The price is €91 per employee/year. HappyMe is transparent. No hidden costs!

HappyMe collects, analyses, and stores data as well as creates action plans for increasing employee well-being, dedication, and effectiveness.
Why HappyMe?
When we think about a company’s goals, we usually measure success by turnover and profit, not so much by employee well-being. Most research in the HR field is also structured in a way that the employee is the one who provides input on how well various functions work, while not actively being included in how the organisation itself is shaped. This is a Catch-22 in which the management feels that employees do not take responsibility, and employees feel that they are not understood, or that too much is expected of them.
HappyMe is a transparent and holistic platform that connects management and employees. HappyMe’s philosophy is a human-centred approach whose aim is to empower the individual and translate their needs into the language of the organisation. HappyMe’s diagnostics help to reveal any bottlenecks an organisation might have that could prevent it from achieving its full potential. This is unique information that cannot be collected using traditional surveys. Participation in the survey is user-friendly and safe, and according to statistics 91% of employees are happy to participate. What’s more is that any obstacles identified in the survey are easily solvable, resulting in all employees being able to realise their full potential.
HappyMe complies with the ISO 9001 quality management standard and the OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety standard.
Training programmes
360˚ forward communication and feedback for teams
Employees and coworkers both evaluate competence and work results.
An employee’s self-evaluation is compared with that of teammates and invited coworkers based on carefully selected criteria.
HappyMe opening seminar
HappyMe session’s opening event. Work happiness seminar, introducing the HappyMe environment and answering questions. The goal of the seminar is to include employees and encourage them to work together.
The price of the training programme depends on the size of the group, starting from €1200. Prices excluding VAT.
Strategy and values workshop
We invite employees to look beyond the annual goals. We rediscover the meaning and purpose with which the organization is engaged. Together, we describe the signs of success and update the values that help to achieve results in cooperation.
As a result of the workshop, both employees and managers have a common understanding of where they are going, updated agreements and new energy with which to create value. The price of the training programme depends on the size of the group, starting from €1400. Price excludes VAT.
HealthyMe psychosocial safety climate assessment tool
2019. As of 1 January, 2019, the Occupational Health and Safety Act requires all employers to assess risks related to psychosocial hazards at the workplace and to adopt risk prevention measures.